Destiny Quest Library Manager Resource Page
The Destiny Quest Mobile App brings your school library to the devices that students use most.
Now they can visit and search the library anytime, from anywhere.
With the new Destiny Quest mobile app, students can search and access library resources in a way like never before--from their iOS or Android mobile devices. Which means they can now find learning resources they need anytime, even after the school day ends. Plus it gives media specialists and teachers access to navigate the library and plan lessons, assignments and activities. Students can even view books they have checked out and outstanding fines. Best of all, this easy-to-use, intuitive learning application is free to download and available with your current Destiny subscription.
Search for resources in your library.
Checkout Follett ebooks to phone.
Discover the Top 10 Most Popular titles and New Books at your library.
Note: Destiny Quest will continue to allow connectivity to Destiny version 10.0 or later.

View Account information including checkouts, holds and outstanding fines.
Use Resource Lists posted by teachers and media specialists to find materials on topics discussed in class.
Submit and read ratings and review from other students.
Place holds on books and add items to My List.
Students can easily maintain lists of books they are Now Reading, Want to Read, and Have Read.

Getting Started Guide- Tips and Suggestions For Students:
To get started, view our detailed demo video- How to Use Destiny Quest Mobile App.
Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch and iPad with iOS 4.2 or later. Requires Android 2.1or later.
Contact your school's media specialist if you have any questions or need further assistance.
Want a better eBook reading experience? Using the Destiny Quest mobile app, students can browse their library’s Follett eBook collection, check out a Follett eBook using the Follett Digital Reader app and read their Follett eBook – anytime, anywhere – from a tablet device and a phone. Best yet, the Follett Digital Reader app is free for Apple IOS and Android.
Visit to learn more about getting the ability to access and read Follett eBooks on the Follett Digital Reader app.